Friday, February 10, 2006

My New Talk Show

It's been a hectic two weeks, but today (Friday, Feb. 10), my talk show made its debut on The show is called "Inside Badger Sports," and each week I have coaches and players from various sports as guests. You can view the show through live streaming, or you can download it as a podcast and watch it on your PC or video-capable device (i.e. iPod).

Since November, I've been wanting to do my own podcast (audio only). But two weeks ago at a staff meeting, I learned about our Internet Services staff's video capabilities, so I decided to do my own talk show. It's set up with a desk and two chairs, and the background is a green screen that we can digitally insert any image we want.

I've been pretty busy booking coaches and athletes, coming up with scripts, doing on-location shooting (b-roll, featurettes, etc.) and just doing whatever to stay on schedule.

The show, which is filmed every Tuesday and airs every Friday, is meant to increase the publicity of UW sports. In the premiere episode, the softball coach and starting pitcher are the guests.

The show will see some improvements as it progresses. We plan on having new backgrounds, some music and add other elements to make the show more entertaining.

So far, I've had a good time being a producer, writer, camera man and host. The show's director/editor has done an outstanding job putting together the final product.

Check it out on Look for the "Inside Badger Sports" link under "Sidelines" on the right-hand side of the page.

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