Sunday, November 09, 2008

Wicked (the musical)

I finally had the chance to see "Wicked" in Chicago before its run ends forever there. The show is certainly not hurting for business, as pretty much every show is sold out; I had to buy my tickets from a scalper.

The production was amazing. One scene in particular (which I won't mention so as to not spoil anything) had the best light display I've ever seen in a Broadway musical. And the acting was superb, especially since most of the actors were the original ones from the New York version.

If I had to knock anything, it was that the songs weren't catchy. Don't get me wrong, all the songs were rich and well sung, but I wasn't humming any of the tunes afterward like I do after other musicals.

Lastly, this musical reminded of "Star Wars" Episodes I, II and III, in that "Wicked" is a prequel to "The Wizard of Oz". Thus, some of the humor (a ton!) and plot lines aren't as good if you haven't seen the latter.

So if you have the money, go check it out!